Divorce Peacefully, Is there such a thing?
Kim came to me wanting a business branding session and we worked together to create a look that matched the message she wanted. In the short time we had worked together, I found her to be fun, down to earth and very passionate about helping people reach a peaceful mediation in divorce.
Kim Korvan of The Gentle Way Divorce, believed divorce was a legal issue. She first encountered divorce as a lawyer, so seeing it as a legal issue made sense. She never questioned how people felt going through the process, the inherent uncertainty, or the cost. Then, she realized staying in her marriage was harming her children, she experienced a wake-up call: there was no way she was going to subject her and her children to a traditional divorce. Kim knew that would result in high conflict, trauma, and big expenses. For them, she figured out she needed to approach divorce differently: in a holistic and cost-effective way in which they were in charge and able to focus on the good of her children. It was peaceful.
She stopped being a lawyer so she could help other families create transformative results. Now, Kim calls herself the Family Peace Specialist. Her focus is to work as a mediator (both spouses) and as a consultant (1 spouse) who helps other families focus on what is important (their children) and create fair results. She helps them take responsibility, communicate so they can hear each other, and honor the good that was in their relationship. This takes the shame out of divorce. It is approached as a life event instead of as a legal issue. Instead of conflict and endings, she sees the possibility of beautiful transformations through communication and empathy.
Former clients have commented that they like how she kept the focus on the children, and on fair results. They like that the process felt easy and doesn’t take a long time. They like being in charge. Others have said they like that she has them focus on building something positive in the future, instead of being stuck in past hurts. Others have commented on how cost effective it is to work with her, knowing that friends have spent $30,000 to $40,000 on collaborative divorce. They feel relief at being able to laugh together, and to see their children happy and carefree.
You can find more information about Kim and her services on her website-https://gentlewaydivorce.com/about Click here